EUFOAM 2024 - Programme

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Invited Speakers:

Prof. Reinhard Höhler Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Structure and properties of adhesive liquid foams
Dr. Pablo Brito-Parada Imperial College London Froth zone engineering to enhance flotation performance
Dr. Cécile Monteux ESPCI, Paris Drainage and coalescence of foams and thin films stabilized with non ionic surfactants, polymers and particles
Christoph Neugrodda  Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology Soft matter in brewing science - beer foam and what brewers know about it


Foto: Programme Eufoam ©Copyright: Dr. Sascha Heitkam

Programme Eufoam

The detailed programme can be found here.

More information on the Conference are provided here.

Conference Dinner

After two intense conference days and before the last day dawns, it’s time to celebrate! The EUFOAM Conference Dinner will take place in the historic heart of Dresden, in the Alte Meister restaurant. The restaurant is located next to the Old Masters Gallery on the outside of the Zwinger. You sit on the idyllic terrace with a view of the Semper Opera House and Theaterplatz, watched over by Carl Maria von Weber on his pedestal. In bad weather, enjoy the ambiance of the historic French Pavilion with access to the Nymphenbad, an opulent Baroque fountain complex. Spend a wonderful evening in a relaxed atmosphere with delicious dishes.

Address: Theaterplatz 1a, 01067 Dresden

Foto: Alte Meister Cafe and Restaurant ©Copyright: Alte Meister Cafe and Restaurant

Alte Meister Cafe and Restaurant

Foto: Alte Meister Cafe ©Copyright: Alte Meister Cafe

Alte Meister Cafe

Welcome Reception

It has become a nice and proven tradition that our community celebrates a reunion together on the evening before the conference starts.

This year, we will meet in the Biergarten am Narrenhäusel on the banks of the Elbe, viewing the panorama of the city of Dresden with the Frauenkirche and the Semperoper.

We invite everyone to celebrate the opening of the EUFOAM Conference with a cool drink and local snacks, to see colleagues again or to make new contacts. The participation is free of charge, but for organizational reasons you have to register for it via the online registration form for the conference.

Wiesentorstraße 2, 01097 Dresden (MAPS)

Foto: Restaurant Augustusgarten ©Copyright: Augustusgarten

Restaurant Augustusgarten

Social Activities

At the end of the conference and before you start your journey home we offer you guided tours for further discussions and networking. You can choose between a guided city tour including the Historic Green Vault or a hiking trip to the nearby natural reserve "Saxon Switzerland".

Guided City Tour

Dresden's historic city centre with its baroque flair is famous beyond the frontiers of Germany. It is part of the Dresden Elbe Valley, which is recognized as world heritage site since 2004, and captivates millions of visitors every year.

We start with a guided tour through the old town, dominated especially by Dresden Baroque and its impressive buildings. You will discover the city by foot, walking around the Theater place with its unique ensemble of Semper Opera House, Zwinger, and the bordering Residential Castle, over the Brühl Terrace, also called "Europe's balcony", to the Cathedral, the Procession of Princes - a 101-metres-long wall painting on 20.000 tiles of Meissen porcelain - and to the Church of our Ladies.

Our way will bring us not the museum new green vault. In the early 18th century, Augustus the Strong, ruler of Saxony, worked to establish Dresden as a major center for the arts, inviting talented sculptors, goldsmiths and painters to take up residence. He commissioned a series of magnificent rooms to showcase his valuables as a way of advertising the city’s cultural prominence in addition to its wealth. The result was the Green Vault, the first public museum in Europe. Fascinating objects of gold, silver, enamel, precious stone, ivory, coconut shell and ostrich eggshell are shown in non-reflective glass cabinets. A guide will lead you in English through the new green vault.

The tour ends around 1 pm, so you can still start your journey home in time.

  • Thursday, July 04, 2023 September
  • ca. 10:00 – 13:00
  • meeting point: King Johann's equestrian statue at the Theatre Square
  • 25.00 EUR (minimum number of participants 15 persons)
  • Registration via the online registration form together with the registration for the conference
Foto: Historic Green Vault ©Copyright: Historic Green Vault

Historic Green Vault

Source: Historic Green Vault

Hiking Tour Saxon Switzerland

We will explore the Saxon Switzerland National Park region, one of the most spectacular natural landscapes of Europe, situated just a few miles away from Dresden. This region’s scenery fascinates its visitors with its landscape variety including table mountains, elevated plains, cliff tops and rock needles, gorges, woods and the valley of the River Elbe.

We will use a local train to get there and share the group ticket price of approx. 8 EUR p.P. Beyond that, the tour is free of charge. Please bring proper hiking shoes, water, and provision for yourself. 

The hiking trip might take till the late afternoon.

Foto: Saxon Switzerland ©Copyright: Vaishakh Tholan

Saxon Switzerland

Lab Tour

On demand, we offer a lab tour on Wednesday afternoon, showing large-scale research infrastructure on multiphase flow, liquid metal flow or X-ray techniques.