Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

NURESIM-Thermohydraulic Subproject, Work Package Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)

Lucas, D.


This presentaion summarizes the results of the first 18 months period of the NURESIM project for the workpage 2.1 “Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)”. It mainly bases on the deliverables supplied by the partners involved in this workpage. In the Introduction some more general information on the PTS issue is given, which should help to clarify the integration of the single activities. Since the PTS scenario involves different flow situations, for which also different modelling approaches are necessary, the contributions are sorted according to these flow situations. The relations of the work done to the general aim of the NURESIM project, which is to establish a new code platform, is indicated by assigning the activities to 6 different types. The present status PTS workpage is in agreement with the planning of the NURESIM project, the expected results were met by the deliverables. The work done leads to an improvement of the simulation capabilities regarding a PTS flow situation, but caused by the complexity of the issue it will still be a long way to enable reliable predictions for the whole process from such simulations.

Keywords: PTS; CFD

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    NURESIM Seminar, 07.-08.11.2006, Paris, France


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