Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Optimum excitation conditions for the generation of high-electric-field THz radiation from an oscillator-driven photoconductive device

Dreyhaupt, A.; Winnerl, S.; Helm, M.; Dekorsy, T.


We report on impulsive generation of terahertz (THz) radiation with more than 1.5 kV/cm field amplitude at MHz repetition rates, using an interdigitated photoconducting device. The approach provides an average THz power of 190 µW corresponding to an optical-to-THz conversion efficiency of 2.5 × 10-4. Optimum conditions are achieved when the excitation spot size is on the order of the THz wavelength.

  • Optics Letters 31(2006)10, 1546-1548


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