Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

NURESIM-TH Deliverable D2.1.1: Identification of relevant PTS-scenarios, state of the art of modelling and needs for model improvements

Lucas, D.; Bestion, D.; Bodele, E.; Bousbia Salah, A.; D’Auria, F.; Ilvonen, M.; Kral, P.; Lakehal, D.; Macek, J.; Manera, A.; Martin, A.; Moretti, F.; Riikonen, V.; Scheuerer, M.; Seynhaeve, J.-M.; Strubelj, L.; Tiselj, I.


This report identifies PTS-scenarios for the French 900 MW CPY PWR, the German 1300 MW Kon-voi reactor, the Loviisa 400 MW VVER, the Russian VVER-1000 and the Czech VVER-100. Accord-ing to the resulting basic flow conditions relevant physical phenomena for the simulation of the scenes during Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) injection into the cold leg are identified. The main focus is on two-phase flow phenomena. The state of the art of modelling these phenomena and needs for models improvement are discussed. Thus the report is a suitable basis for the specification of the main topics to be provided in Task T2.1.4 of the NURESIM project.

Keywords: Pressurized Thermal Shock; CFD

  • Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
    Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2005
    123 Seiten
    ISSN: 1437-322X


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