Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Alpha-ERDA analysis of the energy distribution of oxygen ions implanted into silicon with plasma immersion ion implantation

Barradas, N.; Maas, A. J. H.; Mändl, S.; Günzel, R.


Plasma immersion ion implantation was used to implant
oxygen ions into silicon with applied voltage pulses of -40 kV and 2.5
ms lenght. Positive ions, O2+ and O+, with a continuous energy distribution
between 0 and 40 keV were implanted. Between 3x104 and 3x105 pulses, corresponding
to nominal doses from 2x1016 to 2x1017/cm2 were used. The resulting oxygen
depth profiles were measured with elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA)
using 13.4 MeV a particles. Rutherford backscattering was used to determine
possible co-implanted contaminations. The obtained depth profiles were
simulated using a linear supersposition of calculated single-energy profiles.
The results obtained for the energy distribution of the incident ions are
compared with calculations obtained from a theoretical model, and the agreement
is very good. The incident flux is found to be composed of 34(5)% O2+ and
66(5)% O+ ions with an Fe contamination of ca. 0.5%.

  • Journal of Applied Physics 81 (10), 15 Mai 1997


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