Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

The impact of hyperfine interaction on Cooper pair breaking

Herrmannsdörfer, T.


Since the first experimental finding of a competition between nuclear magnetism and superconductivity in the nuclear ferromagnet AuIn2, investigations have been extended to Al, Sn, Rh, In, AuAl2, and very recently to Pr1-xLaxTe. The experiments have demonstrated that the contribution of nuclear magnetism to Cooper pair breaking is a common phenomenon. Even in a system with tiny nuclear magnetic moments (e.g. Sn), a reduction of the critical field Bc(T) has been detected at ultralow temperatures. In more detail, the observed influences of nuclear magnetism on superconductivity vary strongly with the size of hyperfine coupling, ranging between a tiny reduction of Bc(T) in the case of weak hyperfine coupling (AuAl2) and the complete destruction of superconductivity in the opposite case of strongly coupled and hyperfine enhanced nuclear spin systems (e.g. Pr0.50La0.50Te). The hyperfine interaction appeares to be the dominant mechanism for the nuclear magnetic contribution to Cooper pair breaking.

  • Poster
    International Conference on Ultralow Temperature Physics, 28.-31.08.2002, Kanazawa, Japan


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