Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

K+ -meson production in pBe interactions at Tp = 2.9 GeV

Büscher, M.; Eßer, R.; Franzen, A.; u. a.; Müller, H.; Prietzschtk, B.; Rimarzig, B.; u. a.; Akindinov, A.; Chumakov, M.; Demechin, V.; u. a.; Sibirtsev, A.; Kruglov, V.; Petrus, A.; Koptev, V.; Mikirtychyants, S.


The production of K+ and π+ mesons and protons in pBe collisions at T p =2.9 GeV has been studied at the ITEP proton synchrotron. Ejectiles with a momentum of p=545 MeV/c were observed under an emission angle theta=17°. The detectors which have been developed for the identification of kaons out of a six orders of magnitude more intense background of pions and protons are described. A cross-section ration d2σK+ /dωdp: d2σπ+ /dωdp: d2σ p + /dωdp of (1±0.34):(85±1):(31±1) has been measured. Normalization with existing pion data yields an invariant differential cross section E∙d3σK+ /d3 p=(3.1±1.2) mb GeV-2c3sr-1 and a total cross section of σtot(pBe) =(3.7±1.5) mb. These cross sections are compared with existing data and theoretical predictions. The A dependence of K+ production in the few-GeV range is analyzed.

  • Zeitschrift für Physik A 355 (1996) pp. 93-100


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