Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Luminescence center transformation in wet and dry SiO2

Fitting, H.-J.; Ziems, T.; von Czarnowski, A.; Schmidt, B.


The main luminescent centers in SiO2 films are the red luminescence R (1.85 eV) of the nonbridging oxygen hole center (NBOHC) and the oxygen deficient center (ODC) with a blue B (2.7 eV) and a UV (4.4 eV). By means of a new "track-stop" technique we have investigated especially the initial luminescence behaviour at the beginning of irradiation. Thus the blue-emitting center is produced under irradiation , but from existing precursers. Contrary to that, the dose behaviour of the red (R) luminescence in wet and dry oxide is quite different, decreasing in wet oxide from a high initial level and increasing in dry oxide from almost zero. We propose a model of luminescence center transformation based on radiolytic dissociation and the reactions of mobile oxygen and hydrogen.

Keywords: Cathodoluminescence; irradiation dose; center transformation; precursers

  • Radiation Measurements 38(2004), 649-753


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