Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

In-Beam Study of 109Sn

Käubler, L.; Prade, H.; Reif, J.; Schwengner, R.; Winter, G.; Grawe, H.; Heese, J.; Kluge, H.; Maier, K. H.; Schubart, R.; Spohr, K.


In-beam spectroscopic investigations of 109Sn have been performed
using the reactions 55Mn(58Ni,3pn) and 106Cd(alpha,n)
with E58Ni= 240 MeV and Ealpha=23 MeV, respectively.
An extended level scheme of 109Sn is presemted showing high-spin
states up to Ex ca. 8 MeV with Jpi=(41/2+).
The problem of the 109Sn ground state has been solved identifying
a 12.8 keV transition deexciting the 7/2+ state to the 5/2+
g.s. A half-life of T1/2=7(1) ns has been measured for
the 17/2+ state at Ex=2114 keV. The experimental
data are compared with the predictions of shell-model calculations.

  • Physica Scripta T56 (1995) pp. 266


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