Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Direct Nanopatterning of Metal Surfaces Using Self-Assembled Molecular Films

Azzaroni, O.; Fonticelli, M. H.; Benítez, G.; Schilardi, P. L.; Gago, R.; Caretti, I.; Vázquez, L.; Salvarezza, R. C.


This work shows that self-assembled molecular (SAM) films of silanes and alkanethiolates can be used as surface active agents for direct 50 nm pattern transfer from a metallic or semiconductor master to metallic surfaces. The patterned metallic surfaces can be modified again by alkanethiolate SAMs to be used as a further mold for master replication. It is also demonstrated that the patterned metallic surfaces are excellent templates to produce nanopatterned metal-semiconductor hybrid surfaces by controlled chemical reactions.

Keywords: Nanopatterning; Self-assembled monolayers

  • Advanced Materials 16(2004)5, 405-409


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