Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Discontinuity factors for non-multiplying material in two-dimensional hexagonal reactor geometry

Mittag, S.; Petkov, P.; Grundmann, U.


On the basis of methods developed recently for square-fuel-assembly reactor cores, discontinuity factors for hexagonal VVER (Russian PWR) control absorbers and reflector nodes have been derived. Partial currents from heterogeneous multi-group transport calculations are used for the determination of the discontinuity factors. As shown by suitable benchmark calculations, the application of these quantities in the two-group nodal diffusion code DYN3D clearly improves the results of assembly-power predictions. The advantage of reflector diffusion parameters, including discontinuity factors, over conventional albedos has also been demonstrated.

Keywords: albedo; baffle; benchmark problem; boundary condition; control rod; diffusion equation; discontinuity factor; DYN3D; equivalence theory; fine mesh; fuel assembly; heterogeneity; hexagonal geometry; homogenisation; MARIKO; neutron flux; neutron transport; nodal expansion method; non-multiplying material; nuclear reactor core; partial current; power distribution; reflector; PWR; VVER; VVER-440

  • Annals of Nuclear Energy 30/13 (2003) pp. 1347-1364


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