Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Local velocity measurements in lead-bismuth and sodium flows using the Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry

Eckert, S.; Gerbeth, G.


Design and optimisation of the thermal hydraulics of liquid metal reactor systems is strongly based on numerical simulations of the related fluid flow and heat & mass transfer processes. Whereas these numerical simulations are essentially based on local flow phenomena (small-scale vortices, turbulence or sub-grid scale modeling), experimental results are often limited to integral flow rates or local related data like temperature or pressure. Local velocity measurements would be highly desirable but are mostly lacking due to the very limited possibilities for velocity measurements in liquid metals.

During the last decades the Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry (UDV) became a very powerful tool to measure the velocity structure of liquid flows. Because of the ability to work in opaque fluids and to deliver complete velocity profiles in real time it becomes very attractive for liquid metal applications. In addition, it can principally operate through the channel wall though a direct contact to the melt reduces ultrasonic losses. However, in case of hot metallic melts the user is confronted with a number of specific problems: First of all, the application of the ultrasonic transducers is usually restricted to maximum temperatures of 150°C. The transmission of a sufficient amount of ultrasonic energy from the transducer to the fluid has to be guaranteed. Here, the acoustic coupling and the wetting conditions have to be considered as important issues. Moreover, the flow has to be seeded with reflecting particles to obtain Doppler signals from the fluid.

The feasibility of velocity profile measurements by UDV has already been demonstrated for low temperature liquid metals like mercury [1] and gallium [2]. We report on first successful measurements in liquid sodium at 150°C [3]. We will present mean profiles of a flow in a rectangular duct exposed to an external, transverse magnetic field. To demonstrate the capability of UDV the transformation of the well-known turbulent, piston-like profile to an M-shaped velocity profile for growing magnetic field strength was observed. The significance of artefacts such as caused by the existence of reflecting interfaces in the measuring domain will be discussed. In the sodium case, the measurements were performed through the channel wall.

An integrated ultrasonic sensor with acoustic wave-guide has been developed to overcome the limitation of ultrasonic transducers to temperatures lower than 200°C. This sensor can presently be applied at maximum temperatures up to 800°C. Stable and robust measurements have been performed in various PbBi flows in our laboratory at FZR as well as at the THESYS loop of the KALLA laboratory of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK). We will present experimental results obtained in a PbBi bubbly flow at 250...300°C. Argon bubbles were injected through a single orifice in a cylindrical container filled with stagnant PbBi. Velocity profiles were measured in the bubble plume. Mean values of the liquid as well as the bubble velocity were extracted from the data and will be presented as function of the gas flow rate. At the THESYS loop of FZK stable velocity profils have been measured in a round tube of diameter 60mm during a period of about 72 hours at temperatures between 180°C and 350°C. Velocity profiles have been obtained at different temperatures for variations of the liquid flow rate. In the PbBi case, the acoustic wave-guide was always in direct contact to the melt. In addition, some results of UDV velocity measurements with a wave-guide in a CuSn alloy of about 620°C and in an Al melt of about 750°C will be presented.

  • Contribution to external collection
    NURETH-10 in Seoul (Korea), 05.-09.10.2003, Paper K00201


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