Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Quantum Mechanical Approach to Planar Electron Channeling in a Hypersonic Field (I)

Grigoryan, L. S.; Mkrtchyan, A. R.; Mkrtchyan, A. H.; Khachatryan, H. F.; Wagner, W.; Piestrup, M. A.


The wave function of an electron 10 MeV £E£100 MeV
planar channeled in a longitudinal hypersonic superlatice has been found.
Conditions for the resonant influence of the acoustic waves on the quantum states of the electron were deduced.
The expression obtained for the wave finction is applicable at resonance.

  • Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 153 (2001) 289


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