Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Observation of a hysteretic pseudogap behavior via coherent phonons in high temperature superconductors

Dekorsy, T.; Georgiev, N.; Helm, M.; Misochko, O. V.


We investigate ultrafast reflectivity changes of a near-optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-x (123) superconductor. The amplitude of coherently excited phonons show strong changes as a function of temperature above the superconducting transition temperature. These changes give evidence for two crossover temperatures within the pseudogap regime. In addition, these crossover temperatures exhibit a clear hysteretic behavior as a function of temperature.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    13th Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Vancouver, Canada, May 12-17, 2002


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