Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Centrality dependence of thermal parameters in heavy-ion collisions at SPS and RHIC

Kämpfer, B.; Cleymans, J.; Gallmeister, K.; Wheaton, S.


We analyze the centrality dependence of thermal parameters describing hadron multiplicities, hadron spectra and dilepton
spectra in heavy-ion collisions at SPS and RHIC energies.

Keywords: relativistic heavy-ion collisions; hadron yields; dileptons

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Int. Workshop XXX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nucl. Excitations: Ultralrelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Hirschegg, Jan. 13 - 19, 2002, p. 158


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