Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data publication: Quantum delocalization, structural order, and density response of the strongly coupled electron liquid

Dornheim, T.; Tolias, P.; Vorberger, J.; Moldabekov, Z.


This repository contains all PIMC data associated with the publication "Quantum delocalization, structural order, and density response of the strongly coupled electron liquid". Files generally follow the same units as in the figures; in addition, raw data for Fig. 2 are structured as follows: Fig2b: #1 q [a_Bohr^{-1}]; #2 l; #3 Chi(q,z_l)x32 Fig2a: #1 q [a_Bohr^{-1}]; #2 tau [Ha^{-1}]; #3 F(q,tau)x32



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