Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

ASTM interlaboratory study on tensile testing of AM deposited and wrought steel using miniature specimens

Dzugan, J.; Lucon, E.; Koukolikova, M.; Li, Y.; Rzepa, S.; Yasin, M. S.; Shao, S.; Shamsaei, N.; Seifi, M.; Lodeiro, M.; Lefebvre, F.; Mayer, U.; Olbricht, J.; Houska, M.; Mentl, V.; You, Z.


An interlaboratory study, involving eigth international laboratories and coordinated by COMTES FHT (Czech Republic), was conducted to validate tensile measurements obtained using miniature specimens on additively manufactured (AM) components and artifacts. In addition to AM 316L stainless steel (316L SS), a wrought highstrength steel (34CrNiMo6V, equivalent to AISI 4340) was also used. Based on the results, a precision statement in accordance with ASTM E691 standard practice was developed, intended for inclusion in a proposed annex to
the ASTM E8/E8M tension testing method. The primary outcomes of the study highlighted the agreement between yield and tensile strength measured from miniature and standard-sized tensile specimens. Furthermore, most tensile properties exhibited similar standard deviations, offering users insight into the efficacy of miniature specimen applications.

Keywords: 316L stainless steel; Additive manufacturing; High-strength steel; Miniature specimens; Tensile tests


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