Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

The role of ESTRO guidelines in achieving consistency and quality in clinical radiation oncology practice

Vrou Offersen, B.; Aznar, M. C.; Bacchus, C.; Coppes, R. P.; Deutsch, E.; Georg, D.; Haustermans, K.; Hoskin, P.; Krause, M.; Lartigau, E. F.; Lee, A. W. M.; Löck, S.; Thwaites, D. I.; van der Kogel, A. J.; van der Heide, U.; Valentini, V.; Overgaard, J.; Baumann, M.


In summary, ESTRO clinical and other guidelines are soundly based, but always require validation, careful and consistent implementation, and focused education and training on their use, as well as local monitoring of that. As guidelines develop and older ones become superseded, there should be a clear mechanism to inform the community of the status of specific guidelines, especially when they have been replaced by new or updated versions. An important scientific aim for the future is to further advance guidelines and their individual statements into fully evidence-based instruments. These, in principle, could be directly linked to growing data-bases, allowing feedback mechanisms and thus continuous optimization. Another challenging research topic is the interplay of guidelines with growing opportunities and demands of personalized approaches of treatment.



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