Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Efficient Flotation of Engineered Artificial Minerals from Metallurgical Slags by Exploiting Interaction Scanning, SPP2315, Yearly Meeting 2023

Strube, F.; Rudolph, M.


FlotEnAMIS as part of SPP 2315 focuses on a novel functional atomic force microscopy (AFM) / atomic force spectroscopy and interface engineering based interaction scanning technology to understand the surface properties of engineered artificial minerals (EnAMs) in slags and find suitable flotation reagent regimes (including adsorption of collectors and modifiers/regulators/depressants) for an efficient flotation separation of fine particles from liberated fine grained engineered slags.

Keywords: interaction scanning; flotation; slags; engineered artifical minerals; lithium

  • Lecture (others)
    SPP2315 annual meeting, 05.-06.07.2023, Freiberg, Deutschland


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