Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

Thermal twin stars within a hybrid equation of state based on a nonlocal chiral quark model compatible with modern astrophysical observations

Carlomagno, J. P.; Contrera, G.; Grunfeld, A. G.; Blaschke, D.


We investigate the extension to finite temperatures and neutrino chemical potentials of a recently developed nonlocal chiral quark model approach to the equation of state of neutron star matter.
We consider two light quark flavors and current-current interactions in the scalar-pseudoscalar, vector, and diquark pairing channels, where the nonlocality of the currents is taken into account
by a Gaussian form factor that depends on the spatial components of the 4-momentum. Within this framework, we analyze order parameters, critical temperatures, phase diagrams, equation of
state, and mass-radius relations for different temperatures and neutrino chemical potentials. For parameters of the model that are constrained by recent multi-messenger observations of neutron
stars, we find that the mass-radius diagram for isothermal hybrid star sequences exhibits the thermal twin phenomenon for temperatures above 30 MeV.

Keywords: Chiral quark model; Thermal twin stars; QCD phase diagram; Color superconductivity; Multi-messenger astronomy; Quark-hadron phase transition

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