Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data publication: Metal Deportment in Complex Secondary Raw Materials: The Case of Vanadium in Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags

Renno, A.; Möckel, R.; Frenzel, M.; Ebert, D.; Bachmann, K.; Krause, J.; Gutzmer, J.


Compilation of all available raw data for the publication "Metal Deportment in Complex Secondary Raw Materials: The Case of Vanadium in Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags".
List of Supplementary Information

Table A 1: Compilation of elements analyzed by XRF including lower and upper limits of determination (LoD).
Table A 2: Compilation of the subsample designations of the three BOS samples analyzed for the XRF and XRD as well as the MLA and EPMA analyses. All subsamples correspond to representative subsets of the bulk sample.
Table A 3: Compilation of the EPMA measurement parameters with spectrometer position (Spec), lower background (LB), upper background (UB), dwelltime on peak (DTP) and background (DTB) and the complete list of reference materials.
Table App 4: Compilation of all major and minor element contents determined by XRF recalculated as “water-free” and normalized to 100 wt.-%.
Table A 5: Comparison of LOI values for one sample each of the delivered material "as delivered" and fully hydrated.
Table A 6: Compilation of significant differences between the samples with regard to the chemical composition.
Table A 7: Detailed compilation of the results of the MLA measurements of all investigated samples.
Table A 8: Compilation of the phases predefined for EPMA analyses and the number of measurements performed and usable for further MLA and deportation analyses.
Table A 9: Complete summary of all EPMA data used for the deportment analysis (xls File).

Keywords: Steel slag; Basic oxygen furnace slag; Vanadium-bearing slag; Vanadium; Vanadium deportment

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