Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Dielectric Relaxation by Quantum Critical Magnons

Flavian, D.; Volkov, P. A.; Hayashida, S.; Povarov, K.; Gvasaliya, S.; Chandra, P.; Zheludev, A.


We report the experimental observation of dielectric relaxation by quantum critical magnons. Complex capacitance measurements reveal a dissipative feature with a temperature-dependent amplitude due to lowenergy lattice excitations and an activation behavior of the relaxation time. The activation energy softens close to a field-tuned magnetic quantum critical point at H = Hc and follows single-magnon energy for H > Hc, showing its magnetic origin. Our study demonstrates the electrical activity of coupled low-energy spin and lattice excitations, an example of quantum multiferroic behavior.

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)



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