Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

The advent of biotechnology in resource technology

Braun, R.; Lederer, F.


The usage of biotechnological molecules and processes is an indispensable part of the resource technology research. The development of novel biomolecules therefore needs to be adapted to the existing applicational conditions and biological processes are to be examined. Novel biosorbents may not only contribute to future applications but can be of further used, e.g. to better understand the interaction of known metal- and metalloid-interacting biological molecules and materials. This review highlights biotechnological approaches published so far for bioremediation as well as metal recovery with a special spotlight on cobalt, nickel and arsenic.

Keywords: biomining; bioleaching; biosorption; bioaccumulation; biomolecules; cobalt; nickel; arsenic


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