Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

Study of QED singular properties for variable gyromagnetic ratio g≃2

Rafelski, J.; Evans, S.; Labun, L.


Using the external field method, {\it i.e.\/} evaluating the effective action $V_{\mathrm{eff}}$ for an arbitrarily strong constant and homogeneous field, we explore nonperturbative properties of QED allowing arbitrary gyromagnetic ratio $g$. We find a cusp at $g = 2$ in: a) The QED $b_0$-renormalization group coefficient, and in the infinite wavelength limit in b) a subclass containing the pseudoscalar ${\cal P}^{2n}= (\vec E\cdot\vec B)^{2n} $ of light-light scattering coefficients. Properties of $b_0$ imply for certain domains of $g$ asymptotic freedom in an Abelian theory.

Keywords: Schwinger effect; vacuum stability; magnetic moment


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