Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Nanoelektronik für Immuntherapien

Nguyen Le, T. A.; Nieder, D.; Baraban, L.


Cancer is an extraordinarily diverse disease that affects our society globally; it hits people of all ages and genders. Because of its high mortality rate, it is responsible on average for one in six deaths, it is the second most common cause of death, according to the World Health Organization. In this article, published in 'Krebs im Focus, Die Wissenschaftszeitschrift des NCT/UCC Dresden', the importance of immune cancer phenotyping to make use of the recent advances in cancer immunotherapy, based on immune checkpoint inhibition and cross-linking of immune cells to target cancer cells, is outlined. The research landscape in the last few years has shown encouraging signs for nanoelectronics to be better represented in cancer research in near future. In particular, this approach can open new routes to perform a complex combinatorial analysis using tiny electronic chips and simultaneously screening multiple biochemical species thus facilitating the transition from conventional medicine to precision medicine in clinical oncology.

Keywords: Nanoelectronic; Biosensor; Cancer phenotyping

  • Open Access Logo Krebs im Focus (2023)


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