Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Influence of thermal treatment and cyclic plastic deformation on the defect structure in ultrafine-grained nickel

Thiele, E.; Bretschneider, J.; Hollang, L.; Schell, N.; Holste, C.


Ultrafine-grained nickel samples were submitted to thermal treatment and cyclic plastic deformation in order to investigate the stability of the defect structure. Investigations by means of synchrotron radiation diffraction revealed that the mean volume expansion, long-range and short-range internal strains are diminished in consequence of the cyclic plastic deformation.

Keywords: ultrafine-grained nickel; cyclic plastic deformation; synchrotron X-ray diffraction; internal strains

  • Contribution to proceedings
    In: T. C. Lowe and R. Z. Valiev (eds.) Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Moscow, Aug. 2 - 6 1999; Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2000) 173-178


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