Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Capturing the state-of-knowledge in EURAD knowledge management

Knuuti, T.; Tatomir, A.; Göbel, A.; Franzen, C.; Abbasova, D.; Arnold, T.; Brendler, V.; Fuzik, K.


Knowledge about a wide variety of aspects is fundamental for the safe management and disposal of radioactive waste. This importance of Knowledge Management (KM) is also recognised by EURAD, the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (RWM), which brings together over 100 organisations from different countries and backgrounds (Waste Management Organisations, Technical Support Organisations, and Research Entities). This vast resource of expertise and experience feeds into several dedicated EURAD KM programme activities. One of these activities, led by Work Package 11 State-of-Knowledge (WP11 SoK), is capturing experts' views on the current State-of-Knowledge on topics relevant to RWM and making this knowledge accessible through dedicated documents. For this, EURAD has developed the Goals Breakdown Structure (GBS), which provides a framework in which topics are structured thematically, as well as a hierarchy of documents that allows accessing knowledge on different levels of detail (see EURAD Roadmap). To make this knowledge available, EURAD is currently developing a Wiki (i.e., a web-based resource that allows access to knowledge and collaborative interactions) and is drafting a sustainable Knowledge Management System and other supportive KM-IT tools while already feeding the tools with content. This article gives an insight into the general EURAD KM concept, the approaches used, and the results obtained until EURAD' s mid-term, after 2.5 years.

Keywords: Radioactive Waste; Knowledge based systems; Waste Disposal; Knowledge Management


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