Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Validation of coupled neutron kinetic / thermal-hydraulic codes Part 2: Analysis of a VVER-440 transient (Loviisa-1)

Hämäläinen, A.; Kyrki-Rajamäki, R.; Mittag, S.; Kliem, S.; Weiss, F.-P.; Langenbuch, S.; Danilin, S.; Hadek, J.; Hegyi, G.


Several three-dimensional hexagonal reactor dynamic codes have been developed for VVER type reactors and coupled with different thermal-hydraulic system codes. Under the auspices of the European Union's Phare programme these codes have been validated against real plant transients by the participants from 7 countries. Two of the collected five transients were chosen for validation of the codes. Part 1 of this article consists of validation against VVER-1000 reactor data. This second part is focussed to validation against measured data of `One turbo-generator load drop experiment' at the Loviisa-1 VVER-440 reactor. The experiment was performed just after plant modernisation and more measured data was available to validation than in normal operation of real plants. Good accuracy of the results was generally achieved comparable to the measurement accuracy. The confidence in the results of the different code systems has increased, and consequences of certain model changes could be evaluated.

  • Annals of Nuclear Energy 29 (2002) 255-269


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