Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

The bio-factor – implications for nuclear waste repository and other key challenges

Raff, J.; Drobot, B.; Steudtner, R.; Cherkouk, A.; Sachs, S.


The energy transition in Germany is one of the greatest challenges for the coming decades. An important part of this is the phase-out of nuclear power generation and the safe long-term storage of highly radioactive waste in a future deep geological repository. When considering safety aspects of a potential repository, the influence of biological processes on the integrity of a potential repository is increasingly taken into account in addition to the necessary (physical-) chemical data basis. The effects of the bio-factor are manifold. Our research shows that the interaction of radionuclides with whole (micro)organisms or organic substances produced by them form complexes that alter the migration behavior of radionuclides. In addition, the mineral phases of the host rock are altered by bio-degradation and biomineralization processes. Another important aspect is that microbial induced electron transfer processes cause corrosion that reduces the integrity of potential containers. Last but not least, metabolic processes, especially under anaerobic conditions, lead to gas production that directly alters physical parameters such as pressure. However, the knowledge gained will not only be incorporated into state-of-the-art algorithms for modeling hydrogeological and ecological systems, but will also be important far beyond repository research.
Studying the interaction of radionuclides with bacteria, for example, has provided new insights that have led to the development of an innovative process for plastic electroplating. The novel process allows the coating of highly complex polymer parts with functional metal surfaces while at the same time substituting highly toxic chemicals and saving resources. The investigation and comparison of different mine waters from former uranium ore mining has also led to the development of a new concept for the cost-effective, biotechnological purification of contaminated mine waters. The process and the potential of the procedure are currently being investigated in more detail as part of a project. In addition, thermodynamic studies of biopolymers identified as cellular radionuclide binding sites have demonstrated their potential for separation processes. Due to the chemical similarity of actinides and lanthanides, these findings are being applied to the field of circular economy, rare earth extraction and recycling.
The examples mentioned clearly show how repository and radioecological research can also make an important contribution to a sustainable and successful energy transition beyond the actual research topic.

Keywords: repository; radionuclides; biosphere; remediation; recycling

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