Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Can flow phenomena be observed in-operando in realistic liquid metal battery systems?

Sarma, M.; Weber, N.; Weier, T.


There is a wide range of flow phenomena to be expected in liquid metal battery systems. However, most of them have only been investigated numerically or in low-temperature model systems. To understand what actually takes place during operation and which flow phenomena prevail in a realistic liquid metal battery, an investigative study of a relatively new type of molten salt battery, Na||ZnCl2, is planned. This poster will present the objectives, challenges, and current status of a recently started x-ray and neutron imaging campaign of flow phenomena in high-temperature batteries at 600 oC.

  • Poster
    Liquid metal battery workshop, 15.11.2022, Cambridge, United Kingdom


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