Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Saxonian Wastewater dashboard – a geospatial visual analysis of the wastewater indicators in Saxony

Mertel, A.


In recent years, wastewater-based epidemiology has proven its potential in predicting the pandemic outbreak and helping to understand the spread of the virus. This talk introduces the Saxonian Wastewater dashboard that explores the spatio-temporal relations between indicator values derived from sewage systems and COVID-19 incidence, as measured by conventional testing, in the neighborhood of the wastewater plants. The presented dashboard infrastructure is a collaboration between the projects Wastewater-CoV-2-Tracking (UFZ Leipzig) and Where2test (CASUS/HZDR).

Keywords: Wastewater epidemiology; Application development; Geovisualization

  • Open Access Logo Lecture (others)
    Saxonian Wastewater dashboard – a geospatial visual analysis of the wastewater indicators in Saxony, 22.11.2022, Dresden, Deutschland


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