Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data publication: Calorimeter with Bayesian unfolding of spectra of high-flux broadband X-rays

Laso García, A.; Hannasch, A.; Molodtsova, M.; Ferrari, A.; Couperus Cabadağ, J. P.; Downer, M. C.; Irman, A.; Kraft, S.; Metzkes-Ng, J.; Naumann, L.; Prencipe, I.; Schramm, U.; Zeil, K.; Zgadzaj, R.; Ziegler, T.; Cowan, T.


Data for the publication: Calorimeter with Bayesian unfolding of spectra of high-flux broadband X-rays Containing: - Raw datasets - Source code for extracting calibrated energy information from datasets - Source code for simulations - Source code for unfolding of spectra

Keywords: Technique and instrumentation; Relativistic laser plasmas; X-rays; Bremsstrahlung

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