Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data of Covid-19 Death and Infections in all counties of Germany

Abdussalam, W.


We provide post-processing data of daily dead and infected COVID-19 cases for a county (Landkreise) and a state (Bundesland) level. The data are extracted from the following link the data source, and subsequently transferred to the Casus-HZDR database server (see Fig above). The age-based and gender-based data are then aggregated and prepared in csv file.

The current data for county level is prepared on Germany_Counties_COVID19_Death_Infections.csv and its daily version is stored in Archive folder. Likewise, the actual data for state level is prepared on Germany_States_COVID19_Death_Infections.csv and its daily version is stored in Archive folder. The file consists of six columns such as region, name, date, dead, infected and population. The region denotes the ID of a county/state followed by its name in the next column. The inserted date of data is prepared in the third column followed by the number of dead and infected cases. Last but not least, the population of the county is provided in the last column.



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