Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data publication: Improved Kinetics for Mineral Dissolution Reactions in Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Modeling

Schabernack, J.; Fischer, C.


List of Data Content:

1. COMSOL Multiphysics files (.mph):
    -8 2D files:
        -2D reactive transport simulations at varying conditions
        -Conditions and some results can be seen in file "2D_Rates.xlsx"
    -4 Surface files:
        -3D reactive transport simulations over a calcite surface
        -With the classical rate equation:
            _run (model of complete surface)
            _Zoom_HighStep (model of high surface step selection as indicated in the paper)
            _Zoom_LargePit (model of large etch pit selection as indicated in the paper)
        -With the new slope factor:
            _NewSlope (model of complete surface)
    -2 3D files:
        _3DModel (model of calcite cuboid with classical rate equation)
        _3DModel_withSlope (model of calcite cuboid with slope factor rate equation)

2. Table files (.xlsx):
    -2D_Rates (Dissolution rates along the interface in all 2D simulations + experimental data for the same surface)
    -Surface-RateSpectra (Dissolution rate spectra of the surface simulations)
    -Fig7_RateSpectra (Dissolution rate spectra data for Figure 7 in the paper)

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