Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Data publication: Effects of gravity modulation on the dynamics of a radial A + B → C reaction front

Stergiou, Y.; Hauser, M. J. B.; Comolli, A.; Brau, F.; de Wit, A.; Schuszter, G.; Papp, P.; Horvath, D.; Roux, C.; Pimienta, V.; Eckert, K.; Schwarzenberger, K.


Raw image data of the reaction-diffusion-advection front experiments in radial Hele-Shaw cells. Including experiments in ground 1-g conditions and parabolic flight experiments.

Keywords: Reaction-diffusion-advection; reaction front; microgravity; convection; radial Hele-Shaw; parabolic flight

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