Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

QE and life time of GaN photocathodes for SRF gun-II at HZDR

Schaber, J.; Xiang, R.; Arnold, A.; Murcek, P.; Zwartek, P.; Ryzhov, A.; Ma, S.


Negative electron affinity (NEA) GaAs- and GaN-based photocathodes are used in modern night vison detectors and light emitting diodes. GaAs semiconductors are already used as electron sources in particle accelerators and well- studied. Like GaAs, GaN belongs to the
III-V semiconductor group. It is assumed that GaN, like GaAs, shows enormous potential as a novel electron source for particle accelerators.

P-type GaN on a substrate material (sapphire, silicon, copper or SiC) is activated by a thin layer of caesium and illuminated by ultra-violet (UV) light to observe the gained photocurrent.
To produce an NEA surface and thus highest QE, it is necessary to remove any residual impurities on the GaN surface. Therefore, GaN is chemical cleaned and vacuum thermal cleaned before it is caesium-activated. The aim of the thermal treatment is to gain an atomically clean surface.
With a comparison of different substrate materials, chemical pre-cleaning, thermal treatment, and activation parameters (e.g. caesium-flux), the quantum efficiency, lifetime and the re-activation of the photocathode is studied. Additionally, the morphology and surface composition of the GaN is examined by XPS, AFM, SEM and EDX.

Keywords: GaN photocathode; Quantum efficiency

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