Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Software publication: Automated coordination corrected enthalpies with AFLOW-CCE

Friedrich, R.; Esters, M.; Oses, C.; Ki, S.; Brenner, M. J.; Hicks, D.; Mehl, M. J.; Toher, C.; Curtarolo, S.


The implementation of the coordination corrected enthalpies (CCE) method is available via the AFLOW software for materials discovery as the AFLOW-CCE module.

Keywords: materials themrodynamics; enthalpy correction; materials design

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  • Software in external data repository
    Publication year 2021
    Programming language: C++
    System requirements: Unix
    License: GNU General Public License version 3
    Hosted on AFLOW: Link to location


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