Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Valence fluctuations in the 3D+3 modulated Yb3Co4Ge13 Remeika Phase

Feig, M.; Akselrud, L.; Motylenko, M.; Bobnar, M.; Wagler, J.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Rafaja, D.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.


Yb3Co4Ge13 is the first example of a Remeika phase with a 3D + 3 [space group
P43n(a,0,0)000(0,a,0)000(0,0,a)000; a = 8:72328(1) Å, Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = 0:4974(2)]
modulated crystal structure. A slight shift of the composition towards higher Ybcontent
(i:e: Yb3:2Co4Ge12:8) leads to the disappearance of the satellite reflections and
stabilization of the disordered primitive cubic [space group Pm3n, a = 8:74072(2) Å]
Remeika prototype structure. The stoichiometric structurally modulated germanide is
a metal with hole-like charge carriers, where Yb-ions are in a temperature dependent
intermediate valence state of +2:60+2:66 for the temperature range 85-293 K. The
valence fluctuations have been investigated by means of temperature dependent X-ray
absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility and thermopower measurements

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