Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Bonding Trends in a Series of Tetravalent Th-Pu Monosalen Complexes

März, J.


Actinides (An) play an important role in chemical engineering and environmental science related to the nuclear industry or nuclear waste repositories.[1] Coordination chemistry of An using small model ligands is a useful tool to get a profound basic knowledge about fundamental physico-chemical properties of the An binding. Observed changes in e.g. the binding situation or magnetic effects among an isostructural An series with the An in the same oxidation state may deliver insight into the unique electronic An properties mainly originating from their f-electrons.
In this study we investigate the coordination chemistry of tetravalent actinides (An(IV)), which are dominant particularly under anoxic environmental conditions, using the organic salen ligand as a small N,O donor.[2] All syntheses were conducted under inert, water-free atmosphere using pyridine based solvents (Pyx). SC-XRD results prove that three isostructural complex series were achieved in each case, dependent on the solvent used. In all complexes, one salen ligand coordinates to the An (An = Th, U, Np, Pu) tetradentately with both nitrogen and deprotonated oxygen donor atoms. The vacant coordination sites are occupied by two chloro ligands for charge compensation as well as two respective solvent molecules, either pyridine (Py), 4-methylpyridine (Pic) or 3,5-lutidine (Lut), resulting in an eightfold coordination environment (see [AnCl2(salen)(Pic)2] as representatives in Figure 1).
The acquired experimental SC-XRD and IR results as well as supporting QC calculations point to a different bonding situation of the individual donor atoms to the actinide. Whereas the An–Nsalen/Pyx and the An–Cl bond lengths follow the decrease of the ionic radii, the An–Osalen bonds remarkably diverge from this behavior. These rather follow the trend of decreasing covalent radii, indicating an exceptionally strong bond here. QC calculations additionally indicate a weaker binding strength in the An–NPyx bonds compared to An–Nsalen. This explains the potential solvent exchange (e.g. to the other pyridine based solvents) and opens up the possibility of further chemical modification at these positions.

Keywords: Actinides; bonding analysis; thorium; uranium; neptunium; plutonium

  • Lecture (Conference) (Online presentation)
    Journées des Actinides, 22.-25.03.2021, Rennes, France


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