Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

First experiments with two new diffractometers at the Rossendorf Beamline/ESRF

Hennig, C.; Svitlyk, V.


The Institute of Resource Ecology / HZDR is operating the Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL/BM20) at the ESRF for over 20 years. A second experimental hutch with two diffractometers for single crystal, powder and surface diffraction has been constructed in the last two years. As CRG beamline provides ROBL 1/3 of its beam time via the ESRF proposal system to the user community, whereas 2/3 are reserved for in-house research.
One diffractometer is a 6-circle Huber diffractometer with Eulerian cradle geometry (XRD-1). It will be used for high-resolution powder diffraction and surface diffraction. Powder diffraction measurements will be performed with a Pilatus 100k Si or an Eiger CdTe 500k detector mounted on the detector arm. The Bragg reflexes are extracted by radial integration using a modified pyFAI code.
The diffractometer for single crystal diffraction and in situ diffraction measurements (XRD-2) is equipped with a Pilatus3 X 2M detector. Diffraction measurements can be combined simultaneously with XANES and XRF spectroscopy. The setup comprises a cryo stream cooler (80-400 K) and a heater (up to 1200 K). The diffractometer is controlled with the Pylatus software and the single crystal data extraction is performed with CrysAlisPro.
We will report the first experiments performed on the two diffractometers.

Keywords: powder diffraction; single crystal diffraction; surface diffraction

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