Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

DYN3D - Three Dimensional Core Model for Steady-State and Transient Analysis of Thermal Reactors

Grundmann, U.; Rohde, U.; Mittag, S.


DYN3D is a three-dimensional computer code for calculating transients in light-water reactor cores with quadratic (version DYN3D/R) or hexagonal (version DYN3D/H) fuel assembly geometry. Starting from the critical state (keff - value, critical boron concentration or critical power) the code allows to simulate the neutroniand thermal-hydraulic core response to reactivity changes caused by control rod movements and/or changes of the coolant core inlet conditions. Burn-up calculations can be performed. The depletion state can used as starting point for the transient. The steady state and transient Xe and Sm concentrations can be analyzed. The decay heat is takeinto account.

Keywords: LWR reactors; fuel rods; heat transfer; hexagonal-z; Cartesian geometry; neutron diffusion equation; flux; power distribution; reactivity; reactor cores; reactor kinetics; reactor safety; thermodynamics; three-dimensional; steady state conditions; transients; two-group theory; two-phase flow

  • Lecture (Conference)
    PHYSOR 2000 - Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium, Pittsburgh (USA), May 7-12,2000, Proceedings on CD-ROM, ANS Order No. 2700281
  • Contribution to external collection
    PHYSOR 2000 - Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium, Pittsburgh (USA), May 7-12,2000, Proceedings on CD-ROM, ANS Order No. 2700281


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