Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Dynamic properties of the warm dense electron gas based on ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations

Hamann, P.; Dornheim, T.; Vorberger, J.; Moldabekov, Z.; Bonitz, M.


There is growing interest in warm dense matter (WDM), an exotic state on the border between condensed matter and plasmas. Due to the simultaneous importance of quantum and correlation effects, WDM is complicated to treat theoretically. A key role has been played by ab initio path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations, and recently extensive results for thermodynamic quantities have been obtained. The first extension of PIMC simulations to the dynamic structure factor of the uniform electron gas was reported by Dornheim et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 255001 (2018)]. This was based on an accurate reconstruction of the dynamic local field correction. Here we extend this concept to other dynamical quantities of the warm dense electron gas including the dynamic susceptibility, the dielectric function, and the conductivity.



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