Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Code, data and supplementary material for: An improved contact method for quantifying the mixing of a binary granular mixture

Papapetrou, T. N.; Lecrivain, G.; Bieberle, M.; Boudouvis, A.; Hampel, U.


This material is related to the publication "An improved contact method for quantifying the mixing of a binary granular mixture", submitted on 13.05.2020 to Granular Matter. The original camera video, an intermediate masked video and the final preprocessed video used in the calculations, made from frames 4-1004 of the masked one, are included. The code used for all calculations in the paper and supplementary material, including the implementation of the mixing index evaluation methods, as well as the static artificial images and the generated data, are also included. All images used in the calculations are stored in the required data form. The figures of the paper are also included, as well as two supplementary materials: a version of Figure 12 with the points of the original contact method, and a discussion on the calculation of the minimum modified contact length.

Keywords: binary particle mixing; rotating drum; image analysis; mixing index; contact method; variance method

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