Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Photoluminescence and Raman Spectroscopy Study on Color Centers of Helium Ion-Implanted 4H–SiC

Song, Y.; Xu, Z.; Li, R.; Wang, H.; Fan, Y.; Rommel, M.; Liu, J.; Astakhov, G.; Hlawacek, G.; Li, B.; Xu, J.; Fang, F.


Color centers in silicon carbide (SiC) are promising candidates for quantum technologies. However, the richness of the poly-type and defect coniguration of SiC makes the accurate control of the types and position of defects in SiC still challenging. In this study, helium ion-implanted 4H–SiC was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal photoluminescence (PL), and Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. PL signals of silicon vacancy were found and analyzed using 638-nm and 785-nm laser excitation by means of depth proiling and SWIFT mapping. Lattice defects (C–C bond) were detected by continuous laser excitation at 532 nm and 638 nm, respectively. PL/Raman depth proiling is helpful in revealing the three-dimensional distribution of produced defects. Diferences in the depth proiling results and SRIM simulation results were explained by considering the depth resolution of the confocal measurement setup, helium bubbles, as well as swelling.

Keywords: Helium ion implantation; Silicon Carbid (SiC); Color Center; Point defect; Silicon vacancy; Confocal photoluminescence spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; Atomic force Microscopy (AFM); Helium Ion Microscopy



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