Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Trapped-ion toolkit for studies of quantum harmonic oscillators under extreme conditions

Wittemer, M.; Schröder, J.-P.; Hakelberg, F.; Kiefer, P.; Fey, C.; Schützhold, R.; Warring, U.; Schaetz, T.


Many phenomena described in relativistic quantum field theory are inaccessible to direct observations, but analogue processes studied under well-defined laboratory conditions can present an alternative perspective. Recently, we demonstrated an analogy of particle creation using an intrinsically robust motional mode of two trapped atomic ions. Here, we substantially extend our classical control techniques by implementing machine-learning strategies in our platform and, consequently, increase the accessible parameter regime. As a proof of methodology, we present experimental results of multiple quenches and parametric modulation of an unprotected motional mode of a single ion, demonstrating the increased level of real-time control. In combination with previous results, we enable future experiments that may yield entanglement generation using a process in analogy to Hawking radiation. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'The next generation of analogue gravity experiments'.

Keywords: Trapped Ions; Qubits; Ion Traps (Instrumentation)


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