Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Analytic approaches for Helium Ion Microscopy

Klingner, N.; Hlawacek, G.; Laura, W.; Heller, R.


Helium Ion Microscopy (HIM) has become a wide spread imaging and nanofabrication technology.
However, existing HIM users can currently not perform elemental analysis in an easy and cost efficient
way. We present results obtained using a light weight retrofitable Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass
Spectrometer (TOF-SIMS). I will briefly give an overview on new developments in our TOF-SIMS setup
which allows to obtain information on the elemental composition of the sample. The lateral resolution
for the presented TOF-SIMS add-on has been measured to be 8 nm. While not a dedicated high
mass resolution instrument it allows to answer many scientific questions by combining the high lateral
resolution of the HIM with elemental information. The examples include but are not limited to battery
materials and corrosion protection of steel.

Keywords: HIM; SIMS; batteries

Involved research facilities

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