Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Electron-doped SiGe Quantum Well Terahertz Emitters pumped by FEL pulses

Ciano, C.; Montanari, M.; Persichetti, L.; Di Gaspare, L.; Virgilio, M.; Bagolini, L.; Capellini, G.; Zoellner, M.; Skibitzki, O.; Stark4, D.; Scalari, G.; Faist, J.; Rew, K.; Paul, D. J.; Grange, T.; Birner, S.; Pashkin, O.; Helm, M.; Baldassarre, L.; Ortolani, M.; de Seta, M.


We explore saturable absorption and terahertz photoluminescence emission in a set of n-doped Ge/SiGe asymmetric coupled quantum wells, designed as three-level systems (i.e., quantum fountain emitter). We generate a non-equilibrium population by optical pumping at the 1→3 transition energy using picosecond pulses from a free-electron laser and characterize this effect by measuring absorption as a function of the pump intensity. In the emission experiment we observe weak emission peaks in the 14-25 meV range (3-6 THz) corresponding to the two intermediate intersubband transition energies. The results represent a step towards silicon-based integrated terahertz emitters.

Keywords: Quantum cascade lasers; Mathematical model; Silicon; Optical pumping; Photonics

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    Cited 1 times in Scopus


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