Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Ion Laser Interaction Mass Spectrometry - status and prospects

Martschini, M.; Lachner, J.; Hain, K.; Marchhart, O.; Pitters, J.; Priller, A.; Steier, P.; Wieser, A.; Golser, R.


The Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS) technique at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) tackles the problem of elemental selectivity in AMS. It achieves near-complete suppression of isobar contaminants via selective laser photodetachment of decelerated anion beams in a gas-filled radio frequency quadrupole cooler. The technique exploits differences in electron affinities (EA) within elemental or molecular isobaric systems neutralizing anions with EAs smaller than the photon energy. Collisional detachment or chemical reactions with the buffer gas can further enhance anion separation.
In AMS of 36Cl and 26Al, ILIAMS reliably provides isobar suppression of more than 10 orders of magnitude. Furthermore it already enables measurements of 90Sr, 135,137Cs and 182Hf with unprecedented sensitivity at VERA and allows to study anion chemistry at eV energies.
Current research focusses on extending this technique to 41Ca, 53Mn, 59Ni, 99Tc and 107Pd. Exotic species such as double-negatively charged carbon clusters complete the cooler ’guestbook’. This contribution will give an overview over these achievements and prospects of the ILIAMS-technique for the near future.


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