Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

High speed data acquisition with online analysis

Bawatna, M.; Green, B. W.; Kovalev, S.; Deinert, J.-C.


TELBE THz facility is performing ultra-fast pump-probe experiments by providing a unique combination of high pulse energies and high repetition rates. In this type of experiment, the electric or magnetic field in the THz pump pulse acts as the excitation of dynamics in the matter. This dynamic in turn is then probed by ultra-short (light) pulses, typically with the sub THz cycle resolution. A pulse resolved DAQ system has been developed at TELBE user facility to allow the performance of time-resolved THz spectroscopy measurements with sub 30 fs Full-Width Half Maximum (FHWM) time resolution with excellent dynamic range up to 120 dB.

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