Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Oxidation of carbon based materials for innovative energy systems (HTR, fusion reactor): Status and further needs

Moormann, R.; Hinssen, H.-K.; Latge, C.; Dumesnil, J.; Veltkamp, A. C.; Grabon, V.; Beech, D.; Buckthorpe, D.; Dominguez, T.; Krüssenberg, A.-K.; Wu, C. H.


Following an overview on kinetics of carbon/gas-reactions, status and further needs in selected safety relevant fields of graphite oxidation in HTR and fusion reactors are outlined: Considering severe air ingress, lack of experimental data on Boudouard reaction and in the field of advanced oxidation kinetics was detected. Development of coatings, protecting against oxidation, has to focus on stability under neutron irradiation and on general feasability of coatings on HTR pebble fuel graphite. Oxidation in normal operation of direct-cycle HTR requires examinations on gas atmospheres and on catalytic effects. Advanced carbon materials like CFCs and mixed materials should be developed and tested with respect to their oxidation resistance in a common HTR/fusion task. In an interim HTR fuel storage radiolytic oxidation in normal operation and thermal oxidation in accidents have to be considered. Plans for future work in these fields are described.

Keywords: Oxidation of carbon based materials

  • Contribution to proceedings
    Proc. First Meeting: Survey on Basic Studies in the Field of High Temperature Engineering (including Safety Studies), Paris, France, 27-29 September 1999, 161-172


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